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Home / Safety


The safety of our members is essential to the Victoria Electric Cooperative. Please explore the topics below to learn how to remain safe around electricity.

Outage and Storm Center

Learn how VEC remains vigilant, so we’re always ready to respond in the event of a widespread outage resulting from a major storm. You can also pick up information on how to stay informed in the event of a power outage in your area and how to report an outage if one occurs.

Storm Safety

In the event of a significant storm, staying safe is of critical importance. Get information on how to be prepared and stay safe when the next storm arrives.

Staying Safe

Electricity can be dangerous if not handled with the appropriate caution. Learn easy and effective ways to stay safe around electricity, both indoors and outdoors.

Indoor Safety

Outdoor Safety

Holiday Safety

The holidays are a time to be close with family and friends and have a good time. Make sure your holidays stay enjoyable for everyone by practicing these vital holiday safety tips.

Power Safety

Power theft is a public safety issue with real consequences. Learn more about this can affect you and how you can report power theft.