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Tree Trimming

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Tree Trimming

Trees don’t mix well with electricity! Trees growing too close to power lines can cause damage to VEC facilities and interrupt service for you and your neighbors. Trees and branches too close to power lines can also cause fire hazards and other safety concerns. VEC's goal is to provide you with safe and reliable delivery of energy. It is recommended that you keep trees and vegetation a minimum of 10 feet away from power lines. For larger trees, you may need to maintain an even greater distance in order to remain safe.

Tree trimming safety tips:
  • If a tree or large branch is touching or falls on a power line, call VEC immediately.
  • Never trim trees that grow close to power lines, call VEC or a professional for assistance.
  • Do not allow children to climb trees or build tree houses close to power lines.
  • Plant trees and other vegetation appropriate distances from power lines. Keep in mind the size of the plant at full maturity and right-of-ways that need to be kept clear.

Get a helpful tree trimming diagram for maintaining a clear right of way.

Tree Image